
女科学家的故事简写(科学家成长故事5位女性科学家的成长故事: 把握机会,成为最想成为的自己)





scientists in the video

(in alphabetically ascending order by last name)Mona Allam,访问学者Mona Allam, Visiting scholar


Aerospace Information Research Institute, 

Chinese Academy of Sciences 


GAO Jing, Professor


Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research, 

Chinese Academy of Sciences 


LU Jing, Professor


Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology, 

Chinese Academy of Sciences


MA Guanghui, CAS member


Institute of Process Engineering, 

Chinese Academy of Sciences


XU Xiyan, Professor


Institute of Atmospheric Physics, 

Chinese Academy of Sciences

说起女性科学家,你第一时间想到的是谁? 居里夫人、屠呦呦、艾米·诺特、德鲁·吉尔平·福斯特、卡罗琳·露丝·贝尔托齐……你可能有一长串候选人名单。

When talking about women scientists, whos the first person that comes to your mind? Marie Curie, Tu Youyou, Emmy Noether, Drew Gilpin Faust, Carolyn Ruth Bertozzi…You may have a long list of candidates. 

的确,20 世纪从事科学、技术、工程和数学相关工作的女性人数空前增加。与生活在女性教育和就业机会稀缺时代的女性相比,今天的女性正在职业道路上奋力打破性别偏见等障碍,从而在工作场所和社会中拥有了更大的空间。

It is true that 20th century saw an unprecedented rise in the number of women in STEM. Breaking barriers like gender bias in their career path, women today have much larger space in both workplaces and communities than their counterparts who lived in the age when there were scarce opportunities in education and employment for women. 


But even today, women should be encouraged to speak up and they deserve to have their voices heard, not only to defend their own rights and interests, but also to empower other women and girls around the globe. 


On March 8 this year, International Womens Day, we interviewed five female scientists from Chinese Academy of Sciences, who are experts in the field of ancient fish, the Tibetan Plateau, biochemical engineering, chemistry, and climate change.


They have been questioned, but still stood by their decision to devote themselves to science. They have encountered difficulties, but never gave up in their search to solve scientific problems. Curiosity and passion for science keep them moving forward, keep them exploring the unknown and pursuing their dreams. They have proved that science needs women. Women can do anything and make a difference.


Why, as children, did they dream of growing up to become scientists? How do women overcome difficulties and realize their dreams? What advice do they have for girls who wish to carve out a scientific career of their own?


Don’t hesitate to click on the video and listen to their stories. We wish every woman can find in these stories the brightest beam of light for the life and career she wants in her own world. 


Videos of each woman scientists personal story are coming soon. Stay tuned for more updates! If you would like to share your thoughts/reflections/opinions, please leave a comment.
