
关于贝多芬的英语视频(贝多芬成长故事Jun 13 双语新闻精选:Auction of Beethoven's hair 贝多芬“有故事”的头发被公开拍卖中国日报网2019-06-13 12:01中国日报网2019-06-13 12:01)

觉得我们还不错?点上方“蓝色字”,follow us!2019.06.13Thursday每日新闻单词必背fetch up to卖到/高达(金额)over-the-counteradj. 非处方的;场外交易的,非挂牌的这是第297天的【双语新闻播报】1Schonbrunn Palace on WeChat美泉宫推出微信公众号Schonbrunn Palace, where Princess Sissi once resided, and Schonbrunn Zoo announced its first official WeChat account. The account offers a convenient way forpeople to obtain relevant tourist information and purchase tickets.茜茜公主曾经居住的美泉宫以及美泉宫动物园近日公布其首个微信公众号,为想要获取相关旅游信息和购票的游客提供了便捷的方式。Group ticket booking is available on the platform for both palace and zoo visitors. More than 4 million tourists visited the 1,441-room baroquepalace in 2018. UNESCO catalogued Schonbrunn Palace and its gardens on the World Heritage List in 1996.参观美泉宫及动物园的游客还可在微信平台上预订团体票。美泉宫是巴洛克式建筑,拥有1441个房间,去年吸引游客超过400万人次。1996年,美泉宫及其花园被联合国教科文组织列入世界遗产名录。Officially known as Empress Elisabeth of Austria (1837–1898), Sissi has been a big reason for Chinese tourists to visit Schonbrunn Palace. An art exhibition about Sissi is expected to be held in cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Chengdu and Shenzhen in late 2019.茜茜公主即奥地利的伊丽莎白皇后(1837-1898),是吸引中国游客到访美泉宫的一个重要原因。今年年底,北京、上海、成都、深圳等城市还将举行茜茜公主艺术展。重点词汇1、offers a convenient way for为……提供了一个方便的方法/途径/方式2、baroque/brok/adj. 巴洛克式的;结构复杂的,形式怪样的n. 巴洛克风格;巴洛克艺术2Auction of Beethovens hair贝多芬头发被公开拍卖British auction house Sothebys plans to sell on Tuesday what it says is a "substantial" lock ofLudwig van Beethovens hair that the Germancomposerhimself cut off and gave to a pianist friend in 1826. The lock is expected tofetch up to15,000 pounds but the director of books and manuscripts at Sothebys, Simon Maguire, said it could end up selling for more than that. "Theres already been quite a lot of interest," he said.英国拍卖行苏富比计划于当地时间11日出售德国作曲家路德维希凡贝多芬的"一大缕"头发。据传,这缕头发是1826年贝多芬自己剪下来送给一位钢琴家朋友的。贝多芬的这缕头发估价达1.5万英镑,但苏富比负责书籍和手稿拍卖的负责人西蒙马奎尔表示,最终成交价或许会更高,因为已经有很多人表现出对这件拍卖品的兴趣。Recountingthe story behind the item, Maguire said Austrian pianist Anton Halm had asked for a lock of hair to give to his wife as akeepsakebut Beethovens servant had instead sent the hair of a goat,infuriatingthe composer. "And he then gave (Halm), in a piece of paper, a lock of hair that he had just himself cut from the back of his head, a substantiallock. And he said this one at least you can be sure isgenuine," Maguire said.马奎尔还讲述了这缕头发背后的故事:奥地利钢琴家安东哈姆曾向贝多芬讨要一缕头发,送给自己的妻子作纪念品。殊不知贝多芬的仆人送来一缕山羊毛充数。贝多芬对此很生气,于是亲手从自己脑后剪下一大缕头发,包在一张纸里送给哈姆,说:"这次肯定是真的。"重点词汇1、substantial英 /sbstn()l/ 美 /sbstnl/ adj. 大量的;实质的;内容充实的n. 本质;重要材料2、composer英 /kmpz/ 美 /kmpoz/ n. 作曲家;作家,著作者;设计者3、a lock of一缕(头发等)4、fetch up to卖到/高达(金额)5、recount英 /rkant/ 美 /rkant/vt. 叙述;重新计算n. 重算6、keepsake英 /kipsek/ 美 /kipsek/n. 纪念品7、infuriate英 /nfjret/ 美 /nfjret/vt. 激怒;使大怒adj. 狂怒的8、genuine英 /denjn/ 美 /dnjn/ adj. 真实的,真正的;诚恳的3Diners get talking discount食客交出手机获赠披萨Curry Pizza Company, a pizza place in Fresno, California, is offering customers a "Talk to Each Other Discount", which requires customers to agree to have their smartphones locked up while they are in the restaurant and simply talk to each other during their meal. The discount is only applicable togroups of four people or more, all of whom must be carrying a working smartphone.加利福尼亚州弗雷斯诺市的披萨店"咖喱比萨公司"向顾客提供"交谈折扣",要求顾客在店内用餐期间必须把智能手机锁在储物柜里,专注于和彼此聊天。这一折扣只面向四人及以上一起就餐的顾客,每个人都必须携带一部可正常使用的智能手机。If they qualify for the offer, diners will receive a free large pizza that they can enjoy on their next visit, or, if theyre in a giving mood, donate to the homeless in downtown Fresno. "Our goal is to get families/friends to stop using their phones while eating and talk to each other and communicate more," a Curry Pizza Company announcement on Facebook states. 符合条件的食客下次到访该店时将获赠一份免费的大披萨。如果他们乐善好施,也可以把披萨捐给弗雷斯诺市区的无家可归者。咖喱披萨公司在脸书上发布的公告称:"我们的目标是让家人朋友在吃饭时停止使用手机,多和彼此聊天交流。"重点词汇1、applicable to适用于,适用的4Japanese eye drops banned日本网红眼药水遭禁售Six types of Japanese eye dropsthat are popular in China have beenblacklistedin Canada after health authorities there analyzed the ingredients. According to Health Canada, theover-the-counter products containprescriptiondrugs which, if taken without the supervision of a healthcare professional, may cause seriousside effectsincluding watery eyes,cataracts, headache, muscle weakness, and a stinging or burning feeling on the skin.加拿大卫生部门日前在分析过六种日本眼药水的成分后,将其列入了黑名单。这六种眼药水在中国都很流行。加拿大卫生部表示,这些非处方药含有处方药品成分,在没有专业医疗人员监督的情况下使用,可能会造成严重的副作用,包括眼睛流泪、白内障、头痛、肌肉无力以及皮肤刺痛或灼烧感等。Experts warned that their long-term use might cause damage to the eyes. Chinas health authority and the medical products administration have not issued any such warnings. The products on the Canadian list have not received official approval for sale in the Chinese mainland and most users have to travel to Japan to buy them, or ask friends to shop on their behalf.专家警告说,长期使用这些眼药水可能会损伤眼睛。目前,我国卫生部门和医疗产品管理机构尚未发布任何此类警告。被列入加拿大黑名单的产品尚未被官方批准在中国大陆销售,大多数用户需要前往日本购买,或让朋友代购。重点词汇1、eye drop眼药水;滴眼剂2、blacklist英 /blklst/ 美 /blklst/n. 黑名单vt. 将…列入黑名单3、over-the-counteradj. 非处方的;场外交易的,非挂牌的4、prescription英 /prskrp()n/ 美 /prskrpn/ n. 药方;指示;惯例adj. 凭处方方可购买的5、side effect副作用;不良反应6、cataract英 /ktrkt/ 美 /ktrkt/ n. [眼科] 白内障;大瀑布;暴雨,洪水;奔流vt. 倾注欢迎进入我们打卡小程序除了每日音频还有免费电影台词跟读课程哦!You may also likeDaily Audio News —June 11 双语新闻Jun 6/Jun5/Jun 4/Jun 3/May 31比尔·盖茨推荐你的夏日书单歪果仁和你“Cheers”,不一定是要和你干杯哦!喜欢我们的文章吗?还不错的话,就请点亮下方的在看吧!举报/反馈
